- Solar Power Generation System With Power Smoothing Function
- A Novel and High Gain Switched Capacitor and Switched Inductor Based DC DC Boost Converter with Low Input Current Ripple and Mitigated Voltage Stresses
- multiphase interleaved converter based on cascaded non-inverting buck boost converter
- A Unified Active Damping for Grid and Converter Current Feedback in Active Front End Converters
- High Efficiency and Voltage Conversion Ratio Bidirectional Isolated DC-DC Converter for Energy Storage System
- Power Quality Enhancement of the Distribution Network by Multilevel STATCOM-Compensated Based on Improved One-Cycle Controller
- A Generalized High Gain Multilevel Inverter for Small Scale Solar Photovoltaic Applications
- A Three-Level Single Stage A-Source Inverter with the Ability to Generate Active Voltage Vector during Shoot-Through State
- Modeling and Control of Single-Stage Quadratic-Boost Split Source Inverter
- Design and Cascade PI Controller-Based Robust Model Reference Adaptive Control of DC-DC Boost Converter
- Implementation of Exact Linearization Technique for Modeling and Control of DC- DC Converters in Rural PV Microgrid Application
- Advanced PET Control for Voltage Sags Unbalanced Conditions Using Phase-Independent VSC-Rectification
- Adaptive Power Decoupling Control for Single-Phase Converter with Unbalanced DC-Split-Capacitor Circuit
- Analysis of Bidirectional DC-DC converter with Wide Voltage Gain for charging of Electric Vehicle
- A Multifunctional Non-Isolated Dual Input-Dual Output Converter for Electric Vehicle Applications
- A Single Phase, Single Stage AC-DC Multilevel LLC Resonant Converter with Power Factor Correction
- Quasi-Y Source network: A design and analysis approach for a DC-DC application
- Ultrahigh Step-Up DC-DC Converter Composed of Two Stages Boost Converter, Coupled Inductor and Multiplier Cell
- Design and Regulation of the HF Inverter for Contactless Power Transfer Systems
- A Controller Improving Photovoltaic Voltage Regulation in the Single-Stage Single-Phase Inverter
- Improved Odd-Harmonic Repetitive Control Scheme for Cuk-derived Inverter
- Modeling and Control of a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter with LCL Filter
- Topology Derivation of Multiple-Port DC-DC Converters Based on Voltage-Type Ports
- Using Magnetic Control of DC-DC Converters in LED Driver Applications
- Ultrahigh Step-Up DC-DC Converter Composed of Two Stages Boost Converter, Coupled Inductor and Multiplier Cell
- A Wide Range High Voltage Gain Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for V2G and G2V Hybrid EV Charger
- A Load-Current-Estimating Scheme with Delay Compensation for The Dual-Active-Bridge dc-dc Converter
- Hybrid High Voltage Gain Transformer less DC-DC Converter
- Topology-Level Power Decoupling Three-Port Isolated Current-Fed Resonant DC-DC Converter
- Ultrahigh Voltage Gain DC-DC Boost Converter with ZVS Switching Realization and Coupled Inductor Extendable Voltage Multiplier Cell Techniques
- An Optimal Structure for High Step-Up Non-Isolated DC-DC Converters with Soft-Switching Capability and Zero Input Current Ripple
- Quasi-Y Source network: A design and analysis approach for a DC-DC application
- Modeling and Mitigation of Resonance Current for Modified LCL-Type Parallel Inverters With Inverter-Side Current Control
- A Cascaded Half-Bridge Three-Level Inverter with An Inductive DC-Link for Flexible Voltage Boosting
- Modeling and Control of a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter with LCL Filter
- Optimal Current Ripple PWM for Three-Level Inverter with Common Mode Voltage Reduction
- A New Modulation for Z-Source Inverters with Optimized Arrangement of Shoot-Through State for Inductor Volume Reduction
- A Controller Improving Photovoltaic Voltage Regulation in the Single-Stage Single-Phase Inverter
- A New Analytical MPPT Based Induction Motor Drive for Solar PV Water Pumping System with Battery Backup
- Multi-Port DC-AC Converter with Differential Power Processing DC-DC Converter and Flexible Power Control for Battery ESS Integrated PV Systems
- Analysis, Modeling and Implementation of a Switching Bi-Directional Buck-Boost Converter Based on Electric Vehicle Hybrid Energy Storage for V2G System
- Model Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm with Constant Power Generation Capability and Fast DC Link Dynamics for Two Stage PV System
- A Grid Frequency Support Control Strategy of the Three Phase Cascaded H Bridge Based Photovoltaic Generation System
- Enhanced Control and Power Management For A Renewable Energy-Based Water Pumping System
- Three Level T Type Quasi Z Source PV Grid Tied Inverter with Active Power Filter Functionality under Distorted Grid Voltage
- Solar Power Generation System with Power Smoothing Function
- Multi-Functional PV Inverter with Low Voltage Ride-Through and Constant Power Output
- A Novel and High Gain Switched Capacitor and Switched Inductor Based DC DC Boost Converter with Low Input Current Ripple and Mitigated Voltage Stresses
- A Novel VFVDC Optimized Full Bridge Inverter Control Strategy for Independent Solar Power Systems
- A Generalized High Gain Multilevel Inverter for Small Scale Solar Photovoltaic Applications
- Power Quality Enhancement of the Distribution Network by Multilevel STATCOM-Compensated Based on Improved One-Cycle Controller
- Implementation of Exact Linearization Technique for Modeling and Control of DC DC Converters in Rural PV Microgrid Application
- Performance Improvement of Grid Interfaced Hybrid System Using Distributed Power Flow Controller Optimization Techniques
- Energy Management Strategy of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid Based on Solid state Transformer
- A Model Predictive Control Strategy for Performance Improvement of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems in DC Microgrids
- Autonomous Control Based on Capacitor Energy Storage of Converter for DC Distribution System
- Harmonic Suppression and Stability Enhancement of a Voltage Sensorless Current Controller for a Grid-Connected Inverter under Weak Grid
- Bidirectional Power Control Strategy for Super Capacitor Energy Storage System Based on MMC DC-DC Converter
- A New Technique Implemented in Synchronous Reference Frame for DVR Control underSevere Sag and Swell Conditions
- An Improved Sliding Mode Direct Power Control Strategy Based on Reactive Power Compensation for Vienna Rectifier
- Active and Reactive Power Control for Dual Excited Synchronous Generator in Wind Applications
- Faster Convergence Controller with Distorted Grid Conditions for Photovoltaic Grid Following Inverter System
- An Efficient Fuzzy-Logic Based Variable-Step Incremental Conductance MPPT Method for Grid-Connected PV Systems
- Power Quality Enhancement in Sensitive Local Distribution Grid Using Interval Type-II Fuzzy Logic Controlled DSTATCOM
- An Implementation of Solar PV Array Based Multifunctional EV Charger
- Grid Connected PV System with Reactive Power Compensation for the Grid
- Multifunctional Control for PV–Integrated Battery Energy Storage System With Improved Power Quality
- A Novel Control Scheme for Wind Turbine Driven DFIG Interfaced to Utility Grid.
- Modelingof an Efficient High Power Wind Energy Conversion System using Self–excited Multi–phase Machines
- voltage–sensitivity–based adaptive droop control scheme using a hybrid STATCOM
- SRF based versatile control technique for DVR to mitigate voltage sag problem in distribution system
- Maximum Power Point Tracking Injection Method for Islanding Detection of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrid
- AThree–Sample–Based PLL–Less Hysteresis Current Control and Stability Analysis of a Single-Phase Active Distribution System
- Operation and Control of a Hybrid Coupled Interlinking Converter for Hybrid AC/LVDC Microgrids
- Research on the MPPT Control Simulation of Wind and Photovoltaic Complementary Power Generation System
- Multi-level Transformerless PV inverter Based Real and Reactive Power Injection for Single Phase System
- Dynamic Voltage Restorer Controlled with Energy Minimized Compensation Method Based on Double Flying Capacitor Multicell Inverter
- A comparative analysis between two DPFC models in a grid connected Hybrid Solar- Wind Generation system
- A PV-Statcom for Enhancement of power quality in grid integrated system using Unit Vector Controller
- Active Power Quality Enhancement of Wind Microgrid Supported by PV Generation
- Adaptive Ripple Correlation Control (ARCC) for Solar Maximum Power Point Tracking
- Analysis of Power-Efficient High Torque Solar Tracker through PID Controller
- Constant Power Generation Using Modified MPPT P&O to Overcome Overvoltage on Solar Power Plants
- Design of Solar-Powered Charging Station for Electric Vehicles in Power Distribution System
- Improving the Efficiency of Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Using Improved MPPT Method
- Performance simulation and distribution strategy of solar and wind coupled power generation systems in Northwest China
- A comparative analysis between two DPFC models in a grid connected Hybrid Solar- Wind Generation system
- Design and Development of Hybrid Wind—Solar—Battery Power Generation System using SVPWM Based Multilevel Inverter for Grid Connected Application
- Design and Implementation of PV-Wind Battery Hybrid System for Off grid and On grid
- Implementation of Hybrid STATCOM System for Power System Performance Enhancement
- Load Frequency-Based Power Management for Shipboard DC Hybrid Power Systems
- Operational Planning of Inverter Control in a grid connected Microgrid with hybrid PV and BESS
- Standalone Hybrid Renewable Energy DC Grid System with Optimal Energy Management For AC Load Operation